
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Re: The Hacking of the Daily Tribune--any connect with the HOCUS PCOS President's headaches?

"The Daily Tribune's bold commentaries scream of "Poll fraud;"' "Deliberate fraud?;" "Failure of automation;" "Hocus-PCOS info war;" "All signs point to massive electronic fraud;" and "Stealing the vote." It has also been critical of yellow politics in general, with titles that say it all: "Yellow politics of coercion;" "Yellow arrogance: Erap's redemption;" and "Yellow: The color of hypocrisy.""
ON JULY 27, 2010, The Daily Tribune, [], the online version of the feisty and defiant daily English-language Philippine publication, was cracked (hacked), with the website not showing and the page going instead to an apparently malware-infested site, [Warni...

1 comment:

  1. ‎"So there, no less than the leader of the yellows says he does not like the newspaper and has decided to read it no more. In the light of published admission by the "President" that the same gives him "headaches," along with the suspicious timing of its hacking, is it probable, therefore, that the yellows were behind the rather vicious cyber attack(s)? Well, they do have possible motive, and no question about capability. And the timing? Simply too perfect to be plain coincidental."
