
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

PHILIPPINES as 1 of the 12 finalists in the BBC World Challenge

VOTE FOR PHILIPPINES as 1 of the 12 finalists in the BBC World Challenge:

"The [hydraulic] ram pump uses the power of the water--no electricity, no fuel. Just energy from the water and bringing up water to a very high elevation." - Auke Idzenga of AIDFI, an NGO

Check out the video on how the ram pump has brought water to... the remote mountain areas of Negros Is. Then VOTE up the Phils.

It's baffling how some inventions fail to achieve a tipping point. The hydraulic ram pump - which has been around for a couple of centuries. falls into this category. The Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation Inc. (AIDFI) is determined to see the ram pump finally come into its own. Using the....

‎""For every metre downwards, the [hydraulic ram] pump can transport the water 20 to 30 times further, 24-hours-a-day. That is a lot of water.'

"Mr Idzenga went to the Philippines to live more than 20 years ago...
When he travelled to the far east as a radio operator on a ship, and saw
the terrible poverty there, he deci...ded to dedicate his life to the

Dutchman Auke Idzenga has been nominated for the World Challenge 2010 for an ingenious water pump. He developed the idea in the Philippines where he lives. The machine pumps clean water high up into t...

‎"Hydraulic ram pump

"He first became active in a trade union in the Philippines. The union set up the organisation AIDFI, Alternative Indigenous Development Foundation Inc, initially to support organic agriculture by applying simple technol...ogy which can be used anywhere.

""At technical college, I once worked on a hydraulic ram pump and it made a deep impression on me. When we set up AIDFI, I immediately remembered the pump. Back
then the pumps were made of concrete, but I tinkered around with it until it was perfect and could be used anywhere.""

1 comment:

  1. ‎(ARCHIVE)

    "You can vote for Mr Idzenga's hydraulic ram pump project: The World Challenge 2010. The closing date for votes is 11 November. The award ceremony is on 4 December. "
