
Sunday, November 7, 2010

JC de los Reyes on the Dilemma of Patriotic Calling & Migrating

JC DE LOS REYES: What will you do if your wife and 3 children are Filipino-Brazilian? Life is much better there. They like it there. Wife and kids were very happy... and will be very happy there because wife's loving family is there and everything is free (education and health). They long to be there but husband/father seems to be a sado-masochist idealistic dreamer as he insists and still believes there is hope in motherland Pinas?

what will you do if your wife and 3 children are Filipino-Brazilian? Life is much better there. They like it there. Wife and kids were very happy and will be very happy there because wife's loving family is there and everything is free (education and health). They to be there but husband/father seems to be a sado-masochist idealistic dreamer as he insists and still believes there is hope in motherland Pinas?

1 comment:

  1. TAGA-ILOG News:

    JC DE LOS REYES: thanks for all your comments, dunia and i just spoke over dinner and are grateful for your concern. it's really tough. You are right adriano. when i went to progressive brazil in 2006 my heart bled for our country. brazil...ia...ns generally are ...a happy people, samba, soccer, mardi gras and music.

    We are too but WE... ARE A HUNGRY PEOPLE because of the BLOODSUCKERS that suck suck suck...that's all they know...suck. Dunia asked me where home is, Philippines or Brazil? I answered... HEAVEN! All "this" is for "there". Heaven is our end...our real happiness.
    Everything else is fleeting, temporary, transitory.The truth is wherever we are we just have to hold on to basic truths...I mentioned one already, another is that anywhere we go, be it here or brazil or tibet..."OUR HEARTS WILL ALWAYS BE RESTLESS UNTIL IT RESTS IN HIM" -St. Augustine.

    So, if i am asked, where should i live? I will answer, the place where I am burdened to serve! I will let my family go (meaning I will be the one to adjust and strike that balance to be a good husband, father, provider, citizen, etc,) but i expect them, in time to answer exactly the same question.
