
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Call on all Filipinos/Taga-Ilogs to SHUN the Culture of Traitors.

I call on all Filipinos/Taga-Ilogs to SHUN the Culture of Traitors.

Let us kill the legacies of ANTONIO SURABAO, traitor to Rajah Magat Salamat; PIO DEL PILAR, traitor to Andres Bonifacio; PATERNOS & historical MACABEBES, traitors to independentist cause of 1st Philippine Republic soldiers; DOMINADOR GOMEZ, traitor to MACARIO SAKAY; today's CIA spies & informants, traitors to our genuine independence.

Dominador Gomez, a most despicable traitor who collaborated with the imperialist Ameircans, leading to the death/execution of Gen. Macario Sakay and over a hundred freedom-fighters of the Republic of Katagalugan.


  1. TAGA-ILOG News
    the historical macabebes seemed used to having white.skinned people as superiors or employers. when the spaniards left, they simply transferred their loyalty to the americans.

    on the part of the enemy bald eagle, oh, they're so used to divide and rule tactics, which they had time to practice on the native americans. simply adopted what they learned oppressing the american indians to the philippines.

  2. TAGA-ILOG News being in the employ of whites for centuries or so should have brought an unconscious subservience to the physical make.up of the bosses, who were vastly different from theirs/ours.
