
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Prof. Monsod's "Honor & Excellence"????

On October 5, 2010, Professor Solita S. Monsod delivered her last lecture for the semester to our Econ 100.1 class. This is no doubt one of the most moving pieces of public lecture I've heard from a professor, and is definitely something that all UP Diliman students must hear and watch.

    • Jesusa Bernardo
      she was also my lecturer. nice lady.

      BUT--sorry to douse your admiration of her-- her political/journalistic actions the past decade supporting the illegitimate arrobo for a long time, even coming up with broadcast analysis that covers up th...e survey trending and 2004 poll fraud, and simply being wickedly consistent in attacking erap show monsod ain't really after honor.See More

    • Jesusa Bernardo hindi naman yung life niya but her professional opinions.

      anyway, excellence agree me. sobrang excellent to the point that....

      oo, patnubayan nga sana tayo.



  2. tama yung C-5. kaso yung SCTex, pagtatakip ginawa niya, along with the rest.
