
Thursday, October 28, 2010

CIA's MK-ULTRA Mind Control Program

MK-ULTRA, which can be considered a post-Nazi program, was one of a series of programs used by the CIA to experiment with different kinds of mind control using drugs, electroshock, insulin shock, and other techniques...

In 1977, the Church Hearings investigated the top secret mind control project. This forced the CIA to... release files exposing the history of MK-ULTRA.

CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA
"First subjects were unknowing military personnel. "Due to the psyhologically destructive nature of brainwashing research, the CIA began to seek new, unwitting test subject in psychiatric hospitals. From 1957-1964, patients at the Allan Memoral Institute in Montreal became mind control guinea pigs for MK-ULTRA scientist Ewen Cameron... probably the foremost psychologist of his time in the 1950s'"

"Ewen Cameron... using high tech sound techniques... forced people to listen to recorded messages...[ while under stupor brought about by the injection into the vein of lysergic acid]"

"... the fright became the terror... I felt my bones were melting... I just didn't know who I was anymore."

‎"In 1977, the Church Hearings investigated the top secret mind control project. This forced the CIA to release files exposing the history of MK-ULTRA...

"In 1980, the CIA was sued by nine victims of Dr. Cameron's mind control research. They were awarded $100,000 in compensatory damages."

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