
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Torture legalized by Bush & perpetrators granted immunity by Obama?

Torture legalized by Bush & perpetrators granted immunity by Obama?

The administration argues that a former detainee's civil lawsuit could jeopardize national security. Critics say that position undermines government transparency and basic justice.


  1. Jesusa Bernardo
    you have a point re the sharia law. agree with you on that.

    still, the "painful experience" is torture. the US military tortures, from the fil. am war up to now. when it's found out, they have someone castigate and change the policy. then off to another form of torture.

  2. Jesusa Bernardo my point, ted is, let's not make that sharia law the standard for military behavior/code/ethics.

    but right about the little girls who don't want to marry amoy lupa na doms....


  3. Jesusa Bernardo in short, ted, you're saying torture is OK bec. all is fair in war, right?

    that brings me to ask, do Muslim states torture as well? or they do instant killings/beheadings? or torture via stoning?

  4. Jesusa Bernardo
    here's the point, ted: the US has for so long made it a propaganda thing their being supposedly a champion of the good, bastion of democracy and human rights.

    which means, torture is not supposed to be part of their military strategy, not to... mention that it's an illegal thing under their laws.

    anathema, big incongruence. that's why it's such an issue.

    make the US be affront with their torture thing, as the muslim states are (where HR's hardly mentioned and there'll be no more of that news crap as above
