
Thursday, August 5, 2010


This is the REAL FACE of the TALIBANS.

Down with the soulless, evil Talibans! They are the epitome of satanic/ruthless oppression of women.

I am a virulent opponent of Western Imperialism. The Talibans' strength is a product of US intervention in Afghanistan during the Cold War. BUT, I think international military presence should NOT be pulled out of Afghanistan until the demonically sexist Talibans are down and out. 

From AOL News' "TIME Cover Shows Maimed Woman"
"... In retaliation for running away from abusive in-laws who treated her like a slave, the young woman, named Aisha, was dragged out of her bed in the middle of the night by the Taliban, who then allowed her husband to cut off her ears and he...r nose. She passed out from the pain but awoke choking on her own blood. They left her in a field to die, but she survived. The photo shows a heart-shaped hole where her nose used to be. The headline suggests this is "what happens if we leave Afghanistan.

"The Associated Press reports that in a matter of days, the photo of Aisha has quickly become a symbol of the stakes of a nearly decade-old war. Although TIME was braced for public outcry over such a graphic image--the editors even consult...ed psychologists about the effect it could have on children--the ensuing discussion in blogs, Twitter and the like has been totally different. "It's provoked a tremendous amount of conversation, which is exactly what we wanted," Time Managing Editor Richard Stengel told AP. "It both gets people's attention and kind of repels people's attention, but it commands you to look at it and have an opinion about it."

"So what has happened to Aisha since all the publicity? She is safe in a women's shelter in Kabul and will get reconstructive surgery in the United States with the assistance of TIME, humanitarian organizations and others. She said she posed for the TIME cover photo so people could see the potential consequences, especially for Afghan women, if there is a Taliban resurgence."

Photo credit

Time Magazine, August 9, 2010 issue
Photo of Aisha, an 18-year-old Afghan woman. Aisha's nose and ears were sliced off in 2009, under orders from a local Taliban commander acting as a judge, as punishment for fleeing her husband's home.

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